In English: Gender equality work in Umeå

Umeå strives to be a municipality that creates the conditions for women and men, girls and boys, to have the same power to shape society and their own lives.

Gender matters and it is therefore important to start from an equality perspective when we look at our organisation and how we should develop our work in order to be able to provide an equal citizen service and be a driving force for an equal society. It is about raising awareness of the conditions and experiences for girls and boys, women and men in our municipality in order to create a more even distribution of power and resources.

Gender, power & politics

Gender, power & politics – 30 years of gender equality work in Umeå municipality

Umeå municipality has for a long time worked with equality issues in a strategic and pioneering way. The work has been carried out both through gender mainstreaming and with specific initiatives to make visible and scrutinise, rephrase problem definitions, and broaden the analysis.

In 2019, 30 years of work for an equal Umeå was celebrated. This publication is part of the commemoration of this anniversary. The various texts alternate between historical flashbacks and tangible examples from activities.

Equality is an active choice, something that is done. We hope that this story can also be inspiring for the continued work for a society free from stereotypes, sexism and homophobia. We want to inspire new and important political decisions to continue building a gender equal society.

Gender, power and politics, Thirty years of equality work in Umeå Municipality , 24 MB.. (pdf, 24 MB)

Sustainable and equal commuting to work

Umeå Municipality recognizes that social sustainability is essential in achieving the vision of a growing and climate-neutral city. Therefore Umeå, in collaboration with RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden), initiated a project focusing on power, gender and identity in relation to mobility. The primary objective was to explore solutions utilizing service design methodology and norm-critical innovation in workplace areas predominantly travelled by private cars.

More about the project "Sustainable and equal commuting to work" here.

The gendered landscape

Make a digital study visit with a guide to Umeå's gender equality work. The film "The gendered landscape" shows and tells how Umeå has taken on urban development with a strategic gender equality work at the forefront. Linda Gustafsson, Umeå Municipality's gender equality strategist, is your guide.

Read more: Länk till annan webbplats.

Smart cities, innovation and gender equality

How is smart cities, innovation and technological development connected to gender equality? What are the critical questions we have to ask ourselves?

This short clip explores the issue further.


Linda Gustafsson
Gender equality officer

Annika Dalén
Gender equality officer

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